Springwood Public School

The Place To Be!

Telephone02 4751 1333




Dear parents/carers and community members,

Below you will find bushfire emergency arrangements for our school this bushfire season.

Our school is in a bushfire prone area and is listed as Category 1 on the NSW Department of Education’s bushfire risk register.

To ensure the health, safety and welfare of students and staff, the Department has determined that on days when NSW Rural Fire Service declares a Catastrophic Fire Danger Rating for the Blue Mountains, our school will temporarily cease operations for the following day.

In addition, schools may be made non-operational due to changing higher risk conditions and advice from Emergency Services and the State Emergency Operations Centre.

We recommend that you download the Parent App (https://education.nsw.gov.au/about-us/strategies-and-reports/schools-digital-strategy/projects-and-initiatives/nsw-schools-parent-app) and select to monitor advice from our school which will push notifications to you advising that the school is non-operational.

The Fire Danger Rating does not mean there will be a bushfire, but rather weather conditions that could pose a high risk for a bushfire event. The measure is proactive to ensure staff, students and the community remain safe.

To ensure that we continue to support student learning on these days, I have put the following arrangements in place:

School will be closed if there is a Catastrophic fire rating.

Our school will inform our school community after 4 pm if there is a change to the operational status of the school for the following day. To assist the school in contacting all families please ensure that you have provided us with up-to-date contact details.

Further information on up-to-date communication of school operations, can also be found through: 

We recommend that all of our families follow the advice of the NSW Rural Fire Service and ensure that your family knows what to do if there is a fire.

Bushfire Danger Period Information for Parents and Carers Flyer

It can take as little as five minutes to make your plan. Discuss it with your family so you know what you will do in the event of a fire. https://www.myfireplan.com.au/

Please contact the school on 0247 511 333 if you would like any further information about this matter.

Yours sincerely,

Mehmet Mehmet


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