Springwood Public School

The Place To Be!

Telephone02 4751 1333


Bell times

Our School Hours are 9.25am - 3.25pm

School Bell Times are as follows:

8.55 AM Staff member on supervision duty
9.25 AM Children assemble in the quad / Coolibah Hall
11.25 AM Recess
11.45 AM End of Recess - Return to lessons
1.15 PM Lunch (10 minute eating time first)
2.05 PM End of Lunch  - Return to lessons
3.25 PM End of Day
8.55am - 3.40pm. Calls will not be answered out side these times.

Before and After School Supervision

Parents are advised that children are not supervised before 8.55am each morning. Children who arrive before then must be seated in a designated area until supervision commences. 


Children are not supervised after 3.25pm except for children who travel by bus. Children are not to wait for parents or carers in their classrooms. Those who are not picked up on time must report to the school office. Parents will be contacted and supervision arrangements made.

There are exceptions for organised, planned and approved before or after school activities such as sports training, dance, band practice and other co-curricula activities.

Before and After School Care

The Before and After School Care Centre which is currently used by school families:

Fun Kids Out of School Hours Care

For bookings and enrolments please follow this link FUN KIDS SPRINGWOOD

(located in the library next to the undercover area)