Springwood Public School

The Place To Be!

Telephone02 4751 1333


Extra Curricular Activities

Springwood Public School offers a number of extra curricular services/activities for children enrolled at the school:

School Band is offered for children in years 3 - 6. Our band master Mr Peter Earl has been working with school bands for over 10 years, and does a fabulous job!  See The Music Guy for more information.




Ukulele Group


Yidaki (Didgeridoo Lessons)

Gardening Club 

And a variety of other activities which changes from year to year.


Springwood Public School holds three major sporting carnivals each year for students.

  • A Swimming Carnival is held early in Term 1 for students in Years 3-6.
  • A Cross Country Carnival is held in Term 2 for all students in Years K-6.
  • An Athletics Carnival (track and field events) is held in Term 3 for students in Years 3-6.

Successful students at our school carnivals go on to represent Springwood Public School at the Zone Carnivals. Students will then compete for the opportunity to progress to Regional and State Carnivals.

In addition, we also hold a carnival for students in Years K-2. The focus is on participation, development of fundamental movement skills and most importantly having fun!