Springwood Public School

The Place To Be!

Telephone02 4751 1333


About our school

"Springwood Public School seeks to educate each child to the full extent of his or her capability in a stimulating environment. We want the school to be judged by: its initiative, innovation and flexibility; a reputation for teaching effectively in all key learning areas; a reputation as a school which cares for its students, where self-esteem is valued, appropriate behaviour is rewarded and where children feel safe and happy; planning for continuous development."

Springwood Public School has a fine tradition of sound schooling combined with special activities to expand students' experiences. These include a Writers' Camp, Mathematics and Science Week, Healthy Lifestyles Week and Creative and Performing Arts Week. These events are arranged on a two year cycle and involve the whole school community. The school has a sophisticated computer network and technology is incorporated in learning programs. All students learn mandarin through a school wide program. The community served by the school is stable and parents, carers and teachers have high expectations for students' learning.

Springwood School SongĀ  (Music to Ode to Joy)

Verse 1

Come let us sing our school song,

Lift our voices loud and strong,

Here we are friends together,

Here we work and here we play.


Springwood, Springwood is our school

We shall do our best always,

So when at last we leave here,

Happy Memories will remain.

Verse 2

Let every girl and boy here,

try to serve both God and King,

'Strive to Serve' is our motto,

we are proud for all to sing.


Springwood, Springwood is our school

We shall do our best always,

So when at last we leave here,

Happy Memories will remain.

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