Springwood Public School

The Place To Be!

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Year 3

Year 3


All strands of English are emphasised daily. Many English lessons are integrated (combined) with our themes (History, Geography & Science) to ensure deeper knowledge and understanding for students.

Students will examine a variety of texts to strengthen their understanding and capacity to create texts that entertain, inform and persuade.

We encourage all students to read a wide range of materials to build their ideas and skills in speaking and listening, writing and representing, and reading and viewing. Some suggested titles can be found by searching the Children’s Book Council and NSW Premier’s Reading Challenge websites.



Students will continue to deepen their knowledge and skills of mathematical concepts through a variety of practical activities and situations, which require them to work mathematically.

Asking questions, clarifying answers, explaining solutions, using mental and written strategies and checking answers are some of the skills reinforced through our problem solving steps.

Students will participate in hands-on learning experiences to apply the steps of the problem solving framework through different topics in Mathematics, within the strands of Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry, and Statistics and Probability.


Students in Stage 2 will be involved in a comprehensive sports program. Students need to wear their sports uniform on Fridays. Students will be involved in recreational, competitive and enriched sporting activities throughout this year. Healthy Living and Road Safety will be a focus in classrooms this semester. 

Geography and Science

In Geography, students will be involved in inquiry based activities to develop their understanding of the Australia and the World by comparing how and why places are similar and different. They will research the continent of Australia and our neighbouring countries by examining natural and human features and the diverse characteristics of Australia’s neighbouring countries.

Students will explore different climates, settlement patterns and demographic characteristics to imagine what it would be like to live in different places. They will consider how people’s perceptions of places help protect places and environments. 


In Science, students explore Earth and Space and the natural environment as they investigate living and non-living things. Technology forms an integral part of daily learning and is embedded in all class activities. Students learn skills in word processing, multimedia and internet use.

All classrooms have an Interactive Whiteboard aand access to laptops.

Creative Arts

The areas of drama and visual arts will be taught as part of the RFF program this semester. Students will explore the use of different materials and techniques in creating and appreciating various artworks and artists. Drama and dance will be part of classroom learning and may be linked to other KLAs including English and Mathematics


This year all Stage 2 classes will participate in regular lessons which will include time for borrowing and returning books. Your child will be informed of day they attend library lessons and other library related information.

Please ensure students bring a bag for borrowing (preferably a waterproof bag) with their name clearly marked on the bag and any books that need to be returned, so they are ready for borrowing at each lesson


If you would like to know more about your child’s progress, please contact your child’s teacher to organise a conversation on the phone.

If you have any further queries, please email the school at springwood-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au to make an appointment to see  Mrs Jacqui Weston-Cole (3-4 Assistant Principal). Please be reassured teachers will contact you if there are any concerns or questions to support your child’s learning and wellbeing.

For this reason and in case of an emergency, we ask that you ensure your contact information is up to date at the office.

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