Springwood Public School

The Place To Be!

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Human society and its environment

In human society and its environment (HSIE), the subjects of history and geography are mandatory from Kindergarten to Year 10, where students study specific historical and geographical concepts and skills. 

In HSIE, students explore varied subjects in human society and its environment to learn about history, geography, people, societies and culture.

Students also have an opportunity to learn more about people and the societies and environments in which they live through elective subjects.

A large number of individual subjects make up the key learning area of HSIE in which students:

  • research, gather and analyse information
  • question and make judgements
  • write for a variety of purposes. 

Ethics Classes

Students can attend ethics classes at Springwood Public School on a weekly basis during non-scripture, if their parents nominate them to attend these classes.

What are ethics classes?

Ethics classes are discussion based, covering a range of age-appropriate topics. Children learn to express their own views as well as to listen carefully to, and consider, the views of others.

Ethics classes are facilitated by trained volunteer ethics teachers, who may also be a parent or carer at the school. Each week children discuss a topic from the approved curriculum, which has been developed by Primary Ethics, the charity authorised by the Department of Education to develop the ethics curriculum and train volunteers to deliver ethics classes.

For more information about the topics discussed in ethics classes, go to www.primaryethics.com.au and click on ‘About Ethics Classes'.

Can I volunteer to be an ethics Teacher?

Yes. Volunteers go through an interview process and undertake training, police and other checks for working with children.  You can find more information about applying including an online application process on the Primary Ethics website www.primaryethics.com.au and click on ‘Volunteer'. 

Want to know more?

For more information about ethics classes visit www.primaryethics.com.au.

For specific enquiries about Ethics at Springwood Public School contact the SPS Ethics Coordinator by email at ethics.sps@gmail.com